Thursday, September 19, 2013

Media Can In Fact Be Addicting

As I see my peers and even my elders engaged in their devices, it is quite apparent that social media and other internet sites are sweeping the world. But is it actually addicting?  Many signs indicate it is.  First, many students will get withdrawal like symptoms and cravings for their devices if they spend too much time away from them.  One website, Buzzfeed, has an interesting list of signs showing you are addicted to social media.  If you have the presence of mind to not let yourself become addicted, you can avoid this phenomenon.  Unfortunately, the majority of users are so indulged in their devices, they allow themselves to become addicted.  Although I believe social media is having a detrimental effect of society, especially students, I do not think there should be any rules put on technology use.  In a sense, this can help weed out those who can handle their technological use from those who cannot.  This can help show who is responsible enough to get there work done, despite the constant distractions at their finger tips.  I believe it is possible for your device(s) to be more helpful in class than distracting, but is what you make of it.  Personally, I do not use Twitter (besides for class), Instagram, and am a very rare Facebook user.  I find bringing my laptop to class helps me more than hurts me, but that is just one case of technology in the classroom.  Many students will spend a majority of their class time Tweeting, surfing the internet, and wasting time elsewhere.

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