Friday, November 22, 2013

Playing in the NFL Has Been Proven to be Detrimental to Health

I.   Most NFL players have suffer one or more injuries throughout their career
a.    Most common injuries
a.   How long it takes to recover

II.  How injuries effect players after their careers
a.   Most harmful long term injuries 
b.   Which injuries cause which issues later in like (concussions linked to depression, etc.)
c.   How injuries have lasting effects even after 'recovering'

III.  How the NFL is changing its policies and enforcing safer rules and regulations
a.   Increase in penalties for hits
b.   NFLPA is more active in protecting current players, seeking compensation for older players who did not receive proper treatment

IV.  Conclusion
a.  Evidence of life altering injuries
b.  How NFL is becoming safer
c.   How things are still dangerous


  1. Conor's outline is very detailed and has good points of discussion to bring up in the ever so increasing problem of NFL injuries. For his first major point of discussion, I am confused as to why "most common injuries" and "how injuries have lasting effects even after 'recovering'" are under there as minor points of discussion and then have them as major points of discussion after. Also, what is the difference between "most common injuries by position" and "who is most prone to injuries"? They just seem the same to me so maybe some clarification between those two points. With this topic, maybe a good paragraph or two on the problems between the NFL and NFLPA would supplement this interesting topic as well. Overall, good points of focus with some tweaking on wording and maybe organization, but Conor should have a good final post for everyone to see later.

  2. Just after reading Conor’s headline I think that it is an interesting topic to explore. I agree with the comment above me in the confusion of when the minor bullet points become titles in the later bullet points. Also I think that the bullet point c. How injuries have lasting effects even after “recovering” should be placed under the major point of discussion IV because that talks about after effects. Also, I’m curious as to where he plans on placing his interview within the post. I think it might be interesting to ask his expert’s opinion about bullet point b in paragraph V about the NFLPA compensating players because that can be a controversial topic. I thought that his audio summary was a great summary of his entire post but I think he could have been a little bit more conversational. Overall, I think his post will be very interesting especially when he adds statistics and what the NFL is now doing to keep the players safe.
